A Beginner-Intermediate Intro to CVI - Nov 2025
5-7th November 2025. 10-5 on the Wednesday and Thursday, 10-4.30pm on the Friday @ Moor Imagination Center Buckfasleigh
Earlybird before 1 July; Later Bird 2nd July onwards
Add a donation to the Scholarship Fund here.
5-7th November 2025. 10-5 on the Wednesday and Thursday, 10-4.30pm on the Friday @ Moor Imagination Center Buckfasleigh
Earlybird before 1 July; Later Bird 2nd July onwards
Add a donation to the Scholarship Fund here.
5-7th November 2025. 10-5 on the Wednesday and Thursday, 10-4.30pm on the Friday @ Moor Imagination Center Buckfasleigh
Earlybird before 1 July; Later Bird 2nd July onwards
Add a donation to the Scholarship Fund here.
** Put the dates in your diary and to be on the safe side, please email info@brionygreenhill.com so it’s in your contacts. There have recently been instances of our emails going to spam and people missing course info. Thank you.**
Here is the cancellation and refund policy: bit.ly/cancel_refund