Online Vigil for Naomi Haigh, for the CVI community (and anyone else who wants to come)
Sunday 3rd October, 5-6 (maybe 6.30)pm
Hosted by Briony Greenhill with support from Emma Coleman and Sanja Cin.
Tragically, Naomi has taken her life. She died on 2nd September 2021.
She has touched many of us as a human and as a singer.
I invite us to come together, to light a candle for Naomi; to share stories and memories, feelings and questions, and to use our voices, if we wish to, as we do, to sing. To sing for Naomi, to sing her farewell, to sing how it feels.
This is not a funeral (which I believe will be a separate event).
All willing, welcome.
With love from Briony, Emma and Sanja.